3 Nov 2020

Ecocept e-layer with recycled synthetic turf

Spain, Málaga

OPSA, our Spanish sister company, installed the very first TenCate Ecocept RT base layer in Spain. The 23 mm Ecocept base layer is installed on top of an asphalt layer, and is composed out of recycled turf (RT), recycled rubber, and a binder material. Because it is almost entirely made from recycled materials, it reduces the impact on the environment. 


The Ecocept Performance Sports Base is an innovative type of porous pavement developed to use below synthetic sports turf surfaces. The base acts as a combined structural layer and shock pad to ensure a stable surface whilst also reducing the loads experienced by players. 

As part of a GreenFields system, Ecocept is specifically developed as the base for synthetic turf sports surfaces. It integrates seamlessly with artificial grass to enhance biomechanical properties and support performance.

Are you interested in how our systems can serve your athletic needs?

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